The Jewish Community Relations Committee (JCRC) shall serve as a liaison among the various Jewish organizations in Augusta. The Committee shall represent the Jewish community in the greater Augusta community by establishing and maintaining good relationships with the community, especially in matters which affect the Jewish community.


The JCRC represents the joint action of the local Jewish community to fight Anti Semitism and all forms of discrimination. It also educates the general public on a variety of issues of concern in the Jewish Community.


We defend Israel's right to exist as a Jewish State within recognized and secure borders, as well as its right to defend itself.


We represent the local community in National Associations concerned with Jewish Security and the Bill of Rights, such as the Jewish Council for Public Affairs. We are also partners with the National Israel Action Center, focused on fighting the BDS movement and the delegitimization of the Jewish State.


We organize programs to raise awareness in our Jewish community about concerns in the general community, as well as programs to raise awareness in the general community about concerns in our Jewish community.


We promote joint volunteer opportunities bringing together the different segments of the Jewish community, as well as opportunities for joint action with other ethnic and religious groups in the area.


We also interact with our elected officials at the different levels of government as well as the local media to make our concerns as a community heard.