
9 2023


7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Good Shepherd Church 2230 Walton Way
Augusta, GA 30904

Kristallnacht: The Night of Broken Glass
Each November, countries around the world mark the November 1938 Pogrom, the tragedy also known as Kristallnacht, which means “Crystal Night” or “the Night of Broken Glass.” The Kristallnacht pogrom marked a turning point in the treatment of Jews in Germany. In just two days, hundreds of synagogues were burned, thousands of Jews were arrested, and around one hundred Jews were killed. Any illusions that Jews could even be tolerated in Germany were finally laid to rest. We will commemorate this remembrance with our Jewish brothers and sisters on Thursday, November 9, at 7:00 pm. Please join us for this solemn service of remembrance. The service will be followed with a dessert reception in the Parish Hall.