Jewish studies the way it was meant to be...
Begins Wednesday, January 23rd. Reserve your book by reply email.
Six topics:
The Underpinnings of a Nation: What terrified Moses when he first became a leader? We'll discover that this issue is as relevant today as it was 3500 years ago.
The Flood Song: What does the Kabalah mean when it speaks of a heavenly Torah and an earthly Torah? What is heavenly Torah? How are they different? A discussion on the Kabbalah of Noah's flood waters"?
Every Day Counts: We will study the life of our Matriarch Sarah and her blueprint for meaningful living.
Achievement or Process: is it about getting the job done? or is it your involvement in achieving it?
Cosmic Collision: Big Bang in Kabbalah. The world of Tikun vs the world of chaos. What is this this all about?
Joseph: his trials and tribulations have a profound lesson for us as technology keeps on taking more prominence in our lives.
Join us for 6 sessions of engaging classes - probing the depths of contemporary Torah thought, with a special focus on issues surrounding spirituality, the human psyche, relationships and real-life issues.
Guaranteed to walk away surprised, inspired, and knowing more about who you are as an individual and who we are as Jews... These classes were produced by the prestigious Jewish Learning Institute.
We meet on Wednesday, beginning January 23 7:30 - 8:30pm. At Chabad on Old Furys Ferry Rd
Suggested donation $36. RSVP